Madrid Digital Art Museum / 马德里数字艺术博物馆

Madrid Digital Art Museum

项目位置:马德里 | 西班牙
建筑面积:2,100 ㎡


A digital museum in the old town area of madrid will not only play a role to showcase 21st century’s arts, but also to really encourage citizens to participate in the modern art events, share experiences. we decide to make an open space to connect the museum with the urban context rather than occupying the whole slot as a closed box - just like the buildings around. the whole street block needs a space to breathe, to make public events happen. in order to achieve the idea, we define the long depth space of the site as an interactive open lobby to display what is going on in the museum and therefore attract pedestrians in come into the building. this also reflects the idea of interaction in the digital art, to make connections among different things. we think opening up the digital museum more to the urban public realm is a better way to let people truly get into digital art, play with it, live with it, as the digital technology has already involved in many aspects in our daily life.

People from Art or Science industries historically demonstrate a certain degree of ignorance to each other. Artists keep pursuing beauty and aesthetic in their dedicated medium while scientists constantly explore the unknown and renew human’s knowledge level. However, as the human society move forwards, they are cooperated in much broader scope and hard to depart from one another. Until 21st century, the rise of digital arts provides the perfect field to fertilize both industries. Digital Art has its innately has the character of duality. It is arts but also science. Being the museum to record its development, it is also designed to be equipped with such duality.

To achieve that, the design proposed a museum consisted with vertical strips elements to create different special experience. The design could be read as a mediator, which connects people delivers information to all walks of life.

The facade of the building is trying to manifest one principle: All enormous artifact are built with the most basic elements, like the city is formed by numerous of walls, and walls are built up by bricks. Our digital world is also formed by the same principle: all logic and programs could be converted into 1 and 0, and the highly computerized world are driven by these individual programs. The repeated singular strips forms the three layer of the facade. Each layer has their specific purpose. the first layer intends to build up the dialogue with the city. the changing density of the facade reveals the public space of the museum, making a modest surface faded in the urban context, and also spill out the interior scenes. the strips on the second layer flow up and down along the circulation areas. they enrich the visual experience, provide another layer of screening to the outside facade, and guide visitors towards upper spaces. the third layer of facade is both interior decorative walls and exhibition boards. equipped with led strips, this layer displays arts and make arts itself, diffusing the interior and exterior spaces, giving visitors a sense of reality blended with illusions.